Fall 2024 StyleVisions™️
Already moodboarding your fall style inspo? Let’s add to it with inspo + predictions from your favorite psychic consultant. Check the vibe for all signs.
Is it truly fall if we aren’t cozying up, binging our favorite shows + moodboarding our fall lifestyle? It’s a thing, and I’m here to help by putting the “chic” in psychic for your fall style forecast.
For the most accurate insight, read your venus, sun, moon + rising signs. Take mental notes + save this for later!
For 1:1 psychic + astrological services, book here
If you’re interested in working with me for a personal stylevision™️, on behalf of a brand,business or consulting for trend forecasting, shoot your girl an e-mail!
Are you in style limbo? I sense you want to switch things up, going shopping for new pieces, but debt along with other financial inconveniences could have your money looking a little funny. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t show up + show out, especially during your birthday season! Just be a liiiiitle more resourceful. Accessorizing with hats, headbands, scarves, and even new footwear will give a fresh take on clothes that you already tend to frequent. It’s about how you wear it— freak that shit. Get thrifty. Second hand will be your best option, especially if you want to treat yourself to something luxurious for your birthday. Vintage is already a vibe, but vintage luxury pieces will likely be better quality + give you access to specialty pieces that are no longer accessible. eBay is ‘bout to be your bestie.
Objects carry energy + memories so Spirit suggests letting go of old pieces, especially pieces that you associate with ex lovers + friends. We’re cleaning house, okay?!
This fall I see you leaning towards variations of green + orange— olives, teals, rust, emeralds. If you want to put your sexy on, all black everything will always get the done. Master the art of feminine + masculine, Jenna Lyons is a great point of reference.
Quick career message: If you are at a crossroads trying to decide if you should stay where you are or leave. Regardless of the decision you make you have acquired enough experience + that should be reflected in your income. I sense incoming salary increases so any financial troubles should be alleviated or progress will be made by the end of the season. This financial uptick could be due to your job or money that was owed to you is finally making its way back to you, make note of that.
Nail Divination
Natural nails
Don’t go super long
Square shape
Nudes + neutral tones
Get a cool pair of gloves